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  • Writer's picturehanosawaki

Darth Vader Pittsburgh Steelers Galactic Empire NFL shirt

The flip side of this is that you now have a responsibility to make the Darth Vader Pittsburgh Steelers Galactic Empire NFL shirt But I will love this most of the hours you work. If you go home at 5 and don’t check email at night, don’t take two hour lunches or spend the afternoon screwing around at the ping-pong table. Get in early and get your work done before you go home. If you work remotely, be damn sure that you can be just as productive at home as you can in the office. Quora is a pretty awesome place to work and the expectations of all employees are high. I work tremendously hard at my job. That said, I don’t feel that it has compromised my performance or expectations to do things like be home to cook dinner most nights, support my family through emergencies, or have a baby. Part of that is Quora being awesome, and part of it is me taking care to maintain my work-life balance.

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