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  • Writer's picturehanosawaki

Hocus Pocus 2 28 years 1993 2021 thank you for the memories signature shirt

Later on, when it is the turn of hard science to be learned, opening the cover of any book will revive the same old, deeply-rooted feeling of upliftment! Because I did have reason to be afraid of him. He was not abusive or anything, but he was quick to judge me. And I, a superhyperoversensitive child, was terribly hurt by the things he said to me. I became afraid to tell him things. I was afraid of him. And his immediate denial of that was exactly the reason why I broke off contact with him all those years before. He simply wasn’t capable of seeing my point of view. He wasn’t even able to see that he wasn’t capable of seeing my point of view. But he still doesn’t realize that he is not a good parent. In his eyes I was just acting out and being weird. It never had anything to do with him.

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