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  • Writer's picturehanosawaki

Unicorn Destroy my ass not my planet LGBT pride shirt

In two jobs I was fired because I would not go along w/malfeasance from above. In one case, the Unicorn Destroy my ass not my planet LGBT pride shirt and I will buy this person above me wanted me to turn a blind eye to very serious inventory irregularities. In the other, the future of my company division was at stake and my boss was slacking. I refused to back off in either case. I saw the company president in one and wrote every member of the board of directors in the other. In both cases, my boss was fired – and their bosses, too. In one case I was offered my job back but declined it. In the other case, I wrangled severance. After that, I was also told that my best friend and girlfriend took me to my bed at one moment, because I was getting sleepy from all the alcohol.

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